Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SgtMike & Care at WAR...

Packs, bags and bins loaded, Care and I left for our third deployment to WAR - the Wilderness Adventurer's Rendevous in Chateaugay, NY hosted by Marty and Aggie Simon over the Labor Day Weekend. Here's a few shots from the awesome time we had...

Taking advantage of the woodpile for testing some chopping tools...

Taking advantage of some quality R&R time by the fire...

Mick Jarvis conducting a pack basket making class...

Some one on one instruction in the art of flintknapping...

Chef Jerry conducting a dutch oven cooking class...

Sgt. Mike & Care's humble abode...

Care in her kitchen, making another camp treat...

The Big Top...

Friends solving the world's crisises...

Prof. Estela conducting a knot tying class...

All in all, we had a tremendous time. Great friends, good food, and some excellent training. Everyone should make it a point to attend an event like WAR or PWYP...



  1. Mike-
    Enjoyed your pix. Got any contact info for . . . . Everyone should make it a point to attend an event like WAR or PWYP...?


  2. Just stumbled on your blog the other day searching for some knife info. Great stuff! Are ther plans for a WAR gathering again this fall? I would be interested in attending.
